An 8 week programme that will give you FIVE NEW WORKOUTS A WEEK! This enables you to do a Barre Sculpt workout EVERY DAY with two rest days (to fit around your schedule) per week
Each workout shall vary in length anything from just 10 MINUTES up to a maximum of 30MINUTES so you don’t need to carve out a massive chunk of your day
You will not have to think about what you’re doing each day as the plan will tell you exactly which muscle groups you’re working and which video you’re doing every day of the 8 weeks
The videos, although staying within 30 minutes throughout, shall increase in intensity as you go through your plan and get stronger, starting at a beginner level and working up to advanced by the end of the plan.
Working your muscles in this way every day shall allow you to see huge changes very quickly with a minimum time input
Your 8 weeks begin from the moment you purchase the course
PRICE - £40
6 week plans
Four separate 6 week programmes at BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE, EXPERIENCED and ADVANCED levels.
Each plan will slowly build you up beginning by alternating workout days with rest days and progressing to 5 workouts a week.
Each workout shall vary in length anything from just 10 MINUTES up to a maximum of 30MINUTES so you don’t need to carve out a massive chunk of your day
You will not have to think about what you’re doing each day as the plan will tell you when to workout and exactly which muscle groups you’re working as well as when to rest.
Working your muscles in this way every day shall allow you to see huge changes very quickly with a minimum time input
Your 6 weeks begin from the moment you purchase the course
All videos in this plan are of a beginner level. You need no experience in barre, dance or fitness to complete this plan.
All videos in this plan are of an intermediate level. You need some experience of Barre Sculpt to complete this plan, but you do not need to feel proficient.
All videos in this plan are of an experienced level. You need experience of Barre Sculpt to complete this plan and should feel comfortable with the technique.
All videos in this plan are of an advanced level. You need substantial experience of Barre Sculpt to complete this plan and should feel very comfortable with the technique.
on demand library
This will give you permanent access to ALL BARRE SCULPT VIRTUAL VIDEOS to do as and when you please
This will include all of the 40 new shorter length videos PLUS 37 hour long classes so you can do full Barre Sculpt classes too
The library shall be added to over time with special videos featuring guest instructors
You will be able to choose your video by length, so you can fit your workout into whatever time you have, or by body part so you can focus on the area you personally want to work on
PRICE - £20 PER MONTH ON DIRECT DEBIT (can be cancelled at any time)
frequently asked questions
What equipment do I need?
Just something to use as a barre. This can be anything that is roughly waist height and stable. Favourites tend to be kitchen worktops, backs of chairs and ironing boards.
Are the classes suitable for beginners?
Yes. If you haven’t done Barre Sculpt before I would recommend starting with the Beginner 6 Week Plan before progressing.